bbc says that curry is good for you. actually it was tested on treatments for "It is now being investigated for the treatment of colon cancer and Alzheimer's disease as well as burns." and "The spice is thought to work as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is said to have a number of other health benefits, such as aiding digestion and helping fight infection. ". cool. via bottomquark.


all you married women, or women with live-in boyfriends, do you need to vent? well, you can here. i personally love it, but b/c some of the folks that stop by my site are males...i am going to say sorry ahead of time...this is not male bashing, it's more of a place where we women can vent, rather than at the end, you should be happy that this exists, b/c then we will nag you less. right? right! right. :)


happy belated birthday priya. you kinda suck for being so talented at such a young age (note the compliment within the whining! :) ) ! Twenty-one...i remember turning 21...i definitely was not as mature as you are ms. pomegranita. good for you!!



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