"how to think with your gut". Federal Express' CEO was given a C for the paper that spoke the idea of an overnight delivery service...market researchers told the man behind Starbucks that people would not ever pay$3 for a cup of coffee.

think with your gut? my gut says that i would kick-butt in an import business. my gut says that americans love indian things. and i am around enough hip people to know that indian things rule and are 'hip and trendy'. my gut says that i should open a business. this business would include the assistance/partnership of my some of myfamily in india, and portions of the profit would go to charity.

the problem is that everyone is giving me negative comments on the idea. you don't have the money, you don't have the time, you have others things that you are responsible for, what are you nuts, you have no idea of what you are talking about. i have been given negative comments on alot of my ideas. i am just the idea girl, i am never the i-follow-through-with-my-ideas girl. i let people get to me. ugh!!

one day, one day soon, i am going to follow through on this idea. it would meld so many things that i love. travelling, i would get reimbursed for some of the travel expenses, if i have a business. i could create a website, thus using my love of design. i would sell things i love. i would sell india to people, maintaining the beauty of india to americans. i would include family, which hopefully would allow me to get closer to the people we don't see often. and i would help india, specifically it's homeless children in someway, by providing a protion of the profits to organizations that help them. and i would develop emotionally, mentally, etc., and i would follow through on something thus, believing in myself.

oh i wish that i had the strength in myself, and the confidence...i wish that i could come up with a white paper detailing expenses and milestones.

wish me luck.


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