our house in minneapolis is taking forever to be built.
we're going to reid's wedding this weekend. reid is robin's brother. he was married to a woman for a long while, it didn't work out. it was somewhat of a tough marriage. within a year he was matchmaked by his sister-in-law (not me). the woman that he met and fell in love with, is cute, tall, wonderful, smart, loving, lots of energy, etc., all that you want someone to be. and she liked him, and he liked her, right off the bat. now they will live happily ever after. (by the way, robin, is 7 years younger to me, and patti is 7 years younger to reid...twins do really think alike!)

i just wish that my brothers would be as lucky.
sboy is getting too attached to me. i am his mommy i know. but i want him to be just as attached to his daddy. one, because i want hubs to feel the same bond that i do, and two, because then sboy won't be only happy if i cater to his cries, he will also let his daddy take care of him.


Vaibhav B Gogte said…
Read my Kissay@
Fathima said…
Tagged u in my blog!
mamatha said…
thanks fathima! cool!

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