renewed energy

I go to facebook for a few reasons. 1) to see what type of updates my 'family' have made recently, and to see their recent photos. 2) to see photos from other photographers to get inspired by...and to wistfully see their subjects (be it people, areas,etc.,) and think that if i were given the opportunity then i would not take bad pictures. 3) for props (for folks to say if they liked a pic of makes me feel good) :).

lately i have been feeling a little dissapointed at my pics. my camera not functioning properly is a main part of my dissapointment, lack of inspiration yielding a 'dead photo' is another part. but when i was sharpening color pencils for the kids, i started to feel alive i saw the beauty of the shavings and of the pile of pencils. i saw color. i started shooting again.

the same thing happened again when i saw the oranges and strawberries...color! so much prettier than the white snow. i love snow, i really do, and the pine trees, but i have been seeing it for about 4 months now!


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