monday morning. server is down so i'll have to manually run quite a few reports that are scheduled usually and run on their own. busy morning.
work stress+pregnancy=migrane
hubs and i fought over the weekend. it was actually about a friend of his who i know has the feeling that it's too soon for robin and i to have children. he and his wife strongly oppose the idea for themselves, strongly...until after a few more years.

anyway, hubs was going to hang out with them, and something was bothering me, so i told him about it: listen, i just have this feeling that they are constantly telling you that it's too soon to have kids. and hubs actually **verified that it's true that they do tell him all the time. so i said: why can't you tell them that you want to have kids...i feel as if they are blaming me cause i'm older and i want kids, and i forced you to...but you said yourself that you want them.

by this time, i was in the other room, frustrated and angry at his friends...and i hear him saying softly 'you have issues, why do you care what they say'.

that is not what i wanted him to say, i wanted him to say 'okay, i'll tell them mamatha, if it's important to you'.

of course i am feeling ultra sensitive now, and went off, in my head, on the words 'you have issues'. he apologized last night for saying that although i didn't tell him why i was mad...but i wonder if he told them that he also wants the babies, and that he wants to be a father.

**Comment from this morning by hubs:no, they don't really say things, but every so often he (his friend) reminds me of how things will change, and how i won't be able to do certain things.


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