well i am back. lots of work to do today...including fixing the mistake mentioned in the last post. half way through fixing it...but i lucked out in making the mistake during the holidays...hopefully no one noticed at all!!
saw the last samurai and LOTR-return of the king. loved both. The last samurai showed me the japanese culture and i found it very interesting. while the LOTR-RoftheK impressed me with it's story telling. i do think that the sam character is the most heroic and not frodo...but that's just me.
i am feeling nauseated all the time, but never throw up. feeling nauseated isn't that fun. don't know what to do. eat crackers is what people say...but that adds carbs to my diet. i have also read that this may mean that i am low on b6...i am taking my prenatals, doesn't that give me enough?
hubs's mom got the babies presents already. this makes me nervous. what if...you know? anyway...a grandmother cannot help being a grandmother i guess. and if mom and dad were in town, they would be the same way. they're wanting to come back from india quicker than they intended...that's the last thing i want them to do, i want them to enjoy india!


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