christmas is coming up...very fast. yikes. i have not bought any presents whatsoever. none for hubs, none for his mom. none for my brothers, none for my parents.

what's gotten into me this year. i am usually bad, but not this bad.
i have no idea what to get for robin.
my work is moving to a new building. it's a drive that will be about 15 to 20 minutes longer...which sucks majorly...but being in minnesota, the state where there is snow on our streets for at least 8 sucks even more. i drove to work this morning, just praying that i won't hit anyone, and that no one will hit me. driving on the seriously wet and slick streets, and the snow, and the bumper to bumper traffic, it's all too stressful for a sleepy girl to drive at 6:30 in the morning.


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