i finished the mistress of spices finally, i had tried to pick up the book since my last post about my thoughts on the book and the author...but found that i was extremely bored. i loved the first half, and hated the second half...only in harlequin romances is there anyone, let alone a male, named 'raven'...and speaking of harlequin romance, that's what it felt like i was reading. why, oh why, did the author change it to a romance, for the last half was thoroughly one of the most difficult reads in a long time.
i have decided to take a break from indian authors, and i have started reading kitchen confidential: adventures of a culinary underbelly. it's robin's book, and it is kick-a*s so far. i love the voice of anthony bourdain.
yesterday's writing group turned into a conversation group, and it was amazingly fun. thank's alan for being an adopted older brother to pbro.


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