i had my level 2 ultrasound, the intense ultrasound that checks out the babies in detail. since there are 2 to look at, it took forever. the babies were punching and kicking each other, robin made the comment that we'll have to see who is punching more to scold them when they come out.

the perinatal doc said that everything looks good, their hearts look to be in good shape, as do all the other parts of the babies. they even told us the sex of the babies.
the second tier of my company, (if you recall we're doing a project for company a, and they're doing a project for company b...anyway company a is second tier), will no longer be doing a project with company b. so we'll be working for company b from now on. i wonder what type of changes this change will entail. actually i wonder where i will be when everything takes into effect, company a leaving,etc,. which is in mid june. will be coming back to work here? will i stay at home for a little while and get another job? who knows?
reality tv is what robin and i do all the time these days. america's next top model (my choice), survivor (his choice), apprentice (our choice), american idol. what would our evenings be like without tv? and why do we pay so much money for cable when we end watching non-cable channels?


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