Kid's lunch & Michaels

kids' lunch.

i could make commentary on how my daughter never ever eats anything i make for lunch, although i  have tried so many different things. I could make commentary on the beauty of this fruit and the amazing, stunning colors of everyday objects. i am not going to though because I am getting a cold and just dont have the energy. :)

enjoy the colors.

yesterday's post:

I went to Michaels the other day and picked up a Rainbow Loom for the boys (and girl when she can figure out how to use it) and a Flower Loom for me.

Here are the results. The boys' rainbow loom bracelets (made for me,their sister, their dad and themselves) and my yarn/ribbon hair thingies.

Honestly I have known about Rainbow loom for a long time, but I did the typical stereotyping thing and thought that the bracelet making would be for girls. i mentioned it to the boys and they said that it would be fun, but i still didn't buy it for them. I happened to have been at Michaels and I was standing next to a mom with her 10 and 11 year old boys who were super excited to try their new bands. The mom tells me that it's amazing how they can stay focused for hours and adviced me to get it.

Am i really so lame that I needed someone's approval to buy a product for my boys. no matter how "liberal' i think i am, i prove to myself that i still have so much to learn about myself.


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