
Took the boys to their tae kwon do class tonight. Tae kwon do gives the kids so much, they are socializing, get exercises, learn self defense, get more confidence, learn to focus, and I love hearing them say " yes sir", " yes mam". :)

Tonight I was talking to one of the moms and the conversation turned to tattoos, she had quite a few, and I want one. Nothing can stop me from doing what I want, except the lack of money. If I want something, I'll find a way to get it, I am not scared to try different things... But I just can't get myself to get a tattoo. The thing is that I have been wanting the same one for the past 20 years,in the same spot... So why don't I just do it? I am going to do it this year, yes, this is the year. Oh oh I only have a few months left for the year...


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