eyes were cherry red on monday, went to the dr...turns out that i have pink eye. stayed home tuesday...rested my eyes, read a couple of books, which probably didn't rest my eyes...but i took off my contacts and wore glasses all day...maybe that helped. cleaned my house a little, looking forward to having a clean house someday.

i also booked a ticket to phoenix w/robin to see the west (since i haven't really gone west of litchfield!!) and to visit robin's dad. going to go from 2/27/02 through 3/5...got excited...then wednesday morn i called kim to verify the date of her bridal shower...turned out that it was 3/2!! ugh!!

here's our dialogue:


I know! I know! I love you dearly and that's what I meant about

you being a key person to be there--you are one of my best

friends--but truly I understand if you can't come, I understand!

It took me so long to agree to have the shower--just please

spend some quality time with me before the wedding!

-----Original Message-----

From: Mamatha Meka [mailto:"mamatha_meka"@uhc.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 10:00 AM To: Link, Kim

you know that i didn't do it purposefully don't you??? i am calling travelocity right now to try to change it!!!


trying to get a potluck dinner going to make up for not coming to the shower, it will be sophia, kim, kari, alison and neza and i and kim of course...oh and all the guys as well...hope i can make it work!!


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