i gotta tell you...when you and your partner work as a team...there is nothing more beautiful. the kids got up at 4 am and i tried in vain to get them back to sleep, each would sleep and wake the other, on and on it went. robin walked in, and even though he had to get to work by 5:25, he helped me by making the bottles of milk, feeding one, and tried to rock him to sleep. awesome. and although they actually did not fall asleep til 6:11am (well after he left)...my heart felt so da*n warm and fuzzy knowing that he tried his hardest to help me before leaving to work.
i love you hubs. maybe i'll tell you that today.
by the way, i've been getting some interesting folks responding to the journal. i am very, very happy with their blogs.
@mit, a fellow indian export living in minneapolis...he has stories of married life (as well as other things) which i can relate to, but he is writing from the husband's point of view.
fathima, who writes of the life i would have had, if i was a 21 year old that had stayed in chennai.
i really love blogs.
i love you hubs. maybe i'll tell you that today.
by the way, i've been getting some interesting folks responding to the journal. i am very, very happy with their blogs.
@mit, a fellow indian export living in minneapolis...he has stories of married life (as well as other things) which i can relate to, but he is writing from the husband's point of view.
fathima, who writes of the life i would have had, if i was a 21 year old that had stayed in chennai.
i really love blogs.
You have a good blog as well and I love blogging as well. It is like a window ins someone elses life.
Writing and reading blogs make this world(saying too much???) a more beautiful place to live in.