not much to post about these days.
max has started to walk. this is definitely very, very exciting for us.
our house is getting going. the contractor was a little slow in getting it going, but i think, hope, that he is going to pick up speed. i would like to move before xmas!
my friend neza had a baby boy. diego. i can't wait to see him.
i am hopefully going to go out with the girls, the writing club, tomorrow night. sushi, yay!! i haven't had good sushi in a long time...and i haven't met with the girls in a very long time.
i saw an episode of the teletubbies today, and there were indian children. "3 babies, 3 auto rickshaws"etc., cute. only an english(u.k.) program would show an every day life of america you only see the poverty, the dirty, oh and the computer professionals "taking our/the american jobs"---> which of course was only possible b/c corporations decided to save money, a very republican thing to do, but yet the republicans at my former employment, a help desk, were the ones to complain the most, while voting for bush in 2004. anyway, i support indians having jobs, and americans having jobs of course as well, so i am not sure where i stand on this...i guess probably more towards assisting indians to be employed, and companies here to stay in business while doing so.


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