A name is just a name
I was born Mamatha Meka. Marriage named me Mamatha McDaniel, I wanted a middle name and to not lose “me” so I became Mamatha Meka McDaniel.
I was Separated 5/2017, but I took 2 years to push the Divorce because the idea of my beloved children having a different name from me scared the shit out of me.
I decided eventually that I could not delay it any longer. I did not necessarily want my father’s name; I am no longer that girl I was before I was married for 15 years. I tried to create a random last name, to no avail. I met a man who suggested Mia as a middle name...so I am now Mamatha Mia Meka as of January 2020. Well kind of, COVID made doing the paperwork complicated.
You know what though? nothing has changed in terms of my kids, I am in fact still a part of them, their momma, and always will be, no matter what my name is. 
