saw "the good girl" tonight. rotten tomatoes said this about it. robin's friend said:don't go into it having a good day, because after the movie, you won't be in a good mood anymore. okay, i see where his friend is coming from, but...a sad movie is not a bad movie.

jennifer aniston acted well, i forgot about rachel and the other 'friends'. it is filled with a sense of humour that not everyone will get...i.e. the clerk saying "f**k you" really quickly, rather than thank you, after she takes the money from a customer (you know...thank you, have a nice day, is f**k you have a nice day) and the customer says 'what?" and the clerk says very sincerely 'thank you' this time, leaving the customer to look at her as she questions herself on whether she heard what she thought she heard.

anyway, jennifer's character is typical, a small town girl, stuck in a rut, is questioning the meaning of her role in life, and she feels trapped by her circumstances. the character that is different, is the one of the fellow character who is named 'holden' after the 'catcher in the rye' (i loved the book!) character. anyway, the two characters were interesting, but the parts of the others really make the movie. the other staff of the store that jennifer works in, her husband, and her husband's friend. the storyline was good as well, you never really knew how they would take the movie, although you have seen this story so many times before. character gets bored, new character makes the first feel alive, character one makes a change influenced by character 2,etc., but this story was not typical in how they end the movie. it left me caring for jennifer's character, making me wonder what's next in her life, what will happen to her after the movie ends. good girl 2? :) it was a good movie, check it out.


"After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad." and here. i guess that everyone was right, he is fighting his dad's war, i just didn't think that he would admit it himself.


friday five

1.What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind?

*a warm bath, with candles and relaxing music (when i lived by myself).

*lay down and watch tv, back to back shows (after marriage)

2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands?

check my mail (usually bills or junk mail, but i check anyway, hoping that one day...i'll get a letter...)

3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells?

something flowery, but soft, very soft, nothing potent.

4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself?

self usually, sometimes around certain friends.

5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don't?

the drive to work, esp in the bumper to bumper traffic.



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