Nurturing a Relationship is Like Gardening

Thank you Lord for I now realize

That the joy is in the 'ing' – not in the garden


written by Ramkumar R S

I found this on sulekha's article section on love.

i like it because i think that it's true, that the process of learning to love is more joyful than being in it. i think of love as something that you grow to feel, not the "lust" or "like strongly" that you feel when you first meet someone, and they open the doors for you and bring you flowers, and your heart beats so fast. i loved that feeling and it was fun. i do think though that love takes place after the challenges, after the heart ache and the anger, when it is followed by forgiveness and a desire to not ever be without that person, and to always want to work to make that relationship better.

i feel it, when we hold hands when we fall asleep, when we both choose to be with each other rather than socialize with our friends (although we do that as well). i love that even though we fight, i am no longer afraid that we won't be dating any more, for we have made a committment to be together and to tough it out. i also love that i don't have to worry about looking yucky (like now when i am sick), and worrying that he will like me less, for he actually thinks i look cute and a bit pitiful (as i feel when he is sick).

anyway, i used to wonder what love was, how you knew that you were in love. it definitely means something different to me now than it used to.


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