MSN's hotmail puts a squeeze on spam. awesome! and get this, "The European Union has passed legislation that will make spam illegal from next October." OMG!! and an "Italy customers plagued by spam from an Italian source are able to claim compensation". C'mon USA, catch up with Europe and make it illegal to send out spam...please...i would be such a rich woman with all the "claim compensations"!


ajay's posts: brief and interesting.


i borrowed the code from smitha to create those drop down for blogs and sites of interest...i put it on this journal, but there also on the links page...i just think that not everyone will take the time to go to a different page, and i wanted to include the links info on the journal itself. thanks smitha.


a post on chowk on the west using the influence of the east in songs, clothing,etc., for their own marketing, and some comments.

i personally love seeing the west, the US specifically, admire and love the products of india and pakistan. i love that i see silk with the mango design (paisley) on pillowcovers, table runners, curtains. i loved it when gwen stefani (no doubt) wore the bindhi, i love bindhis, i think that they are beautiful. i love hearing snippets of bollywood in hip hop songs, it adds this little kick to the songs and makes it sound so neat. i also love that people are wanting to eat at indian restaurants more (and how popular indian restaurants in london! i love that!). i am proud of all this, and i love that it is being appreciated.

i wonder when wearing saris is going to be 'in' in the US and paris and london and milan? ;)


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