mean people suck!

and so dumb people who don't realize that they are dumb and act smart, which normally should not bother me unless they try to tell me that they are smarter than me and make me look bad cause they have a job that is not as a contractor, and i am a contractor and i have no say in the matter.

ah forget's not worth it, some people are not worth the effort made and will just ruin my day.

i do have to say though, that although after 5 years in one company,with 4 jobs but all in the same company, i really looked forward to being a contractor and moving company to company, but i have been here in this particular company, for more than a year, and thus should not be treated like a temporary person...does anyone understand what i am talking about??!?! i should not be made to feel as if i don't have any rights and that i can be told what to do, and to have dumb people tell me what to do...

enough b*tching...


playwriting class was amazing fun. i had thought that i would have to read a scene, the homework, so for the last two or three nights, i had worked on a scene. i finally finished it. class starts and i find out that i dont have to read my play, or have it read actually by other people. this is cool, which means i have more time to work on it and maybe get more scenes by next wednesday. but i did read the parts in other peoples plays and man, that was super fun!! i loved it. i loved acting out characters and making them come alive...maybe, i am ham enough to try acting, at least in a class vs. a movie or a real play.



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