so! i apologized to my dad via voicemail yesterday. called him and mom today and spoke to him for the first time in, i don't know...three weeks. he sounded ecstatic. he was so happy to hear that i felt bad at how i talked to him. i am sorry actually for how i phrased my feelings that he sent the pictures before i saw them...but i am not really sorry for being angry i guess. anyway, he said he missed me...we spoke a little about the play, he is very happy at my choice of the theme.
i went to get my new license today,one with my new last name. it's on it's way.
i went to get my social security card today, with my new last name and new middle name (of my maiden name). i had to wait in line for two hours. it is an interesting place, that office...mexicans, chinese, russians, and me...anyway, it's on it's way.
i spoke to robin about the option of me having a hyphenated name...he is okay with that...but then i asked if our kids could have a hyphenated name, and we could stary a new legacy, a mixture of our two families...he said no...he said that the kids would be ridiculed to no end, for it is too strange....he is so backwards and traditional sometimes...ugh!!! ...i pouted of course, and whined...but at the end, this is an argument that can wait until we have children...maybe i sprung this on him too soon,...this morning! i'll give him a year...i am a very persistent person, and i will get what i want!!! so there!!
i went to get my new license today,one with my new last name. it's on it's way.
i went to get my social security card today, with my new last name and new middle name (of my maiden name). i had to wait in line for two hours. it is an interesting place, that office...mexicans, chinese, russians, and me...anyway, it's on it's way.
i spoke to robin about the option of me having a hyphenated name...he is okay with that...but then i asked if our kids could have a hyphenated name, and we could stary a new legacy, a mixture of our two families...he said no...he said that the kids would be ridiculed to no end, for it is too strange....he is so backwards and traditional sometimes...ugh!!! ...i pouted of course, and whined...but at the end, this is an argument that can wait until we have children...maybe i sprung this on him too soon,...this morning! i'll give him a year...i am a very persistent person, and i will get what i want!!! so there!!