it's friday. my day off. i spent it yelling at my mom, and she saying that i treat her like a visitor. ugh! i call her everyday, i take her wherever she wants, i try hard...i really do...but then she says one little thing, and i get upset...uhg! i had good intentions, i really did, to spend the day with her...and it ends with us yelling. why do we try? maybe some families just are not meant to get along.


i am going to try to get more pages, with pictures that i have taken, and drawings...make this more site personal...


not much exciting over here...


missed my exit last night, i got distracted...i was on the highway, on the left lane, there is a median between the north and south...i turned my head when i thought i saw something move by the median...there were 10 ducklings, and a momma duck, in the middle of the highway, protected by the car size pathways to the left of the highway, in between the folks going north and folks going south...they were walking as fast as can everywhere around them cause there was a traffic jam...the last time i saw this, i called the animal society to see how i can help these birds get to where they need to be safely....but they told me that i did the right thing by just driving by, apparently if i had tried to pick them up, they might have flown towards the traffic in fright...



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