another school year is done.

Another school year done. Oh my goodness. The days, weeks, months go by so fast. The only way to remember them is through these pictures; the many pictures i take watching them grow in front of my eyes.
I am so saddened at the thought of them going off into the world...and of course forgetting me. i love these guys so much...and they truly are my best friends. i have never really known how to love until i had these guys. I've never allowed myself to love before these guys, and for anyone other than these guys.
To be honest, I have never known what love was before these guys. To me, what i feel for these children is a ball of emotion that wants to protect them for all that is bad in this world...and to play a big part in doing that. I want to never ever live in a world without them. And i suppose love also means to release them, to let them grow and find their own lives, knowing i love them and i will help them always, if ever there is a need.
okay...i'm being ridiculously dramatic since the boys still have a few more years til college and my girl even more...but just look at them!! They are growing so fast. :)