turning 15

my 3. Ani and Sid and Max. love these people, but today I'm going to talk about Sid and Max.

Sid. the oldest by 5 minutes. Labor was funny because i had decided to deliver my twins normally and without drugs.  But after pushing and pushing, i asked for drugs and they told me it was too late. oh boy.

Anyway, he came out and then i was so relieved. i lay there feeling proud that it was done only to be reminded that there was another one. oh boy, again.

Then came Max.

Sid was the twin that wanted to get out, apparently Max was eating his food. We laughed about that when they were older, we said that's why Max was always chunkier a little bit because he started off that way, eating more. Siddhartha, named after Buddha; the seeker, the one who wanted to come out and see the world.

Maxwell, Max was named by his dad. I did want Maximillian, but Maxwell he is. He needed urgent  lung assistance when he was born.

They both were hooked up to machines for a month before i could take them home. 3 pounds 4 ounces for Sid, 3 pounds 7 for Max. little tiny things. made my brother pass out with how small they were. (their sister was 2 pounds 9 ounces). i remember visiting them everyday and feeling broken hearted about leaving them at the end of the night, but knowing that they were well taken care of at Children's Minneapolis.

They are turning 15 in a few days. 15. I have put them both behind the wheel for about 10 minutes each, I got them a bank account a few years ago, they have been taught to study hard, and they have great relationships with their uncles,aunt, grandparents, cousins and their friends. They take care of me and are good to me (and their sister sometimes :)). I am so scared and sad at the thought of them leaving me and going off to College...but ... my goal is to get them ready to make good decisions when life gets challenging.

They're awesome actually. :)


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