Look at these toys. I really do not remember having amazing toys like this when i was young. We had just arrived in America when I was 7 (brothers:6,2), we really didnt have alot of money. My parents didnt really know what toys to buy for us. I sincerely do not remember any toys as growing up. My mom tells me now that she thought that we were too old for toys at the time so that's why she didnt buy them. We took alot of toys to cousins in India and my youngest brother got some, luckily. My other brother and I did not grow up with toys, instead we had tv, friends in the neighborhood, books. It was a good childhood.
We all grow up differently I suppose, as an immigrant (citizens now) family, we were trying to find our path. Anyway, my path for my family includes toys, books, friends and tv. I am sure one day my kids will complain that I didn't provide them with something. It is inevitable.