fear and creativity

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.- Erich Fromm

I am not certain that i am creative. mr. fromm, what do you think of that? also, i do lack courage most times due to letting go of certainties. actually, of what am i certain of anyway?

what i am certain of:

i like to think that i am creative but have yet to see the value and worth of the quality of the creativity. i have explored writing, drawing, painting, and now photography. my favorite pictures are sometimes the ones that are the least favored by others, and yet the ones i deplore are given rave reviews.

my lack of certainty in my knowledge of what is good and bad scares me. what if i don't know what is good? what if my eyes are blinded by something, maybe the memory of the moment the picture was taken, the subject in the picture...what if it's not the picture itself. perhaps i cannot judge my own shots. how horrible is that? to not know if what i have created is good!


ggs said…
Mamatha - why should it matter what others think of your work? If you like it, then it is the greatest piece of art! If others do not, too bad for them!
mamatha said…
Ggs, why does it matter u ask? Well yes i do it b/c i can, i do it for myself b/c i like to take pictures and i want to record something i'm seeing. But i would if someone could see what i saw, the beauty of something then i did my job in recording it well. I feel like if they don't appreciate the picture, then i didn't take it well. Or maybe it's just something they dont care for...and not my picture at all.:)

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