thoughts of web design
each day that i go to work at my part time job, i think of options for my new job. where i work they promote from within, i would love to be ready for that promotion when agirl goes to school.
right now i have three options:.
1)teacher. this is something that have always wanted to do. summers off is a plus but more than anything i would love to shape the youth of today, beyond my own children. having children has made me love the idea of teaching even more.
2)project management. the money is a huge plus. also, in my previous (pre-kids) life, i had IT experience as well as IT-Customer experience, working with both groups. I also have some Quality management experience. perhaps this is the logical next step in my career.
3)Web Design. since the end of college i have been wanting to pursue this creative IT field.
whichever i choose i should start school soon. of course this takes money and time. but as i tell the boys "if there is a will there is a way".
right now i have three options:.
1)teacher. this is something that have always wanted to do. summers off is a plus but more than anything i would love to shape the youth of today, beyond my own children. having children has made me love the idea of teaching even more.
2)project management. the money is a huge plus. also, in my previous (pre-kids) life, i had IT experience as well as IT-Customer experience, working with both groups. I also have some Quality management experience. perhaps this is the logical next step in my career.
3)Web Design. since the end of college i have been wanting to pursue this creative IT field.
whichever i choose i should start school soon. of course this takes money and time. but as i tell the boys "if there is a will there is a way".