lazy saturdays?

today was good. kids didn't lose it. we didn't lose it. we were definitely kept busy though.
made chicken curry, north indian style. made rice too, which is unusual for me, and it actually turned out okay. we also had some reheated samosas with coriander chutney.

goat, preeth, and my family. they liked it. yay!
rhubs just told me that agirl has diarrhea. what in the world? i thought that we are just about done with being sick for a while.
tried to go to bed early for a change, but just can't sleep. honestly though i have to stop going to bed at 12:00a just to get up at 4:30a for work...and then driving to work scared that i might run over a deer on the way there.
i think that i miss my parents. they call everyday. why couldn't we have just gone with them?


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