Reject Nomination of Bush and Blair for Nobel Prize, please...

Thought you had seen it all? Warmongers, Bush and
Blair, are now nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize!
Reject this nomination by signing this petition and
please pass it on to EVERYONE you know.
(this is a message from a close friend...thanks s for sending it to me)
assasination of a hamas leader who "could not see or hear, and was confined to a wheelchair" the stupidest thing i have ever heard done. what a better person to hold as a martyr, the reason for revenge?

what is now going to happen to the israelis, the ones who did not agree with this action but who are now going to see themselves or loved ones, killed. what is now going to happen next? and after that, what is going to happen to the minds of the palestinians who are feeling wronged already, what new 8 year olds are going to join these groups that do the suicide bombings,etc.,

"British Foreign Minister Jack Straw said the killing was unacceptable. "It is unjustified and it is very unlikely to achieve its objectives," he said."

"U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the administration was "deeply concerned and deeply troubled" about the killing and that it "does not help our efforts to move toward peace." But he refused to directly condemn the act." ...but he refused to directly condemn the act...great...another reason to worry about the safety of the united states well as the safety of the citizens of the world.

it is f'ing ridiculous.


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