i can't believe how easily i am thrown off these days. i am so used to the monotony of my days. today during my drive to work, i find out that my usual exit is closed. i take the next exit thinking that i will be able to maneuver myself back into the highway that i need to be on...but no....i get lost and was 20 minutes late to work.

now my usual routine is ruined. i didn't beat my co-worker to work as i do usually, thus did not show my passion for my job (not) as i always do...i didn't get my 20 minutes of working in the dark, the 20 minutes prior to which the lights are turned on in the office; i didn't get my 'relaxing and getting ready for a hectic day' time...


had the day off yesterday as i usually do, working my 4 10 hour days allows me to take a day off and that day is wednesday for me.

what did i do? i made sure that the plumber did his job well...and was nice,friendly and jovial to him and so at the end he charged me 300 dollars less than was estimated by others. (the power of being nice)

i also went over to my parents (with robin) and talked to them about moving in there for a month or two until we find a house. i ended up arguing with robin about bills and my anxiety that of a mortgage double what we have now, and the fact that although we make decent money, we seem to constantly be broke. we talked some things out with the help of my parents. i am actually looking forward to moving there for a while, to save money as well as to break the monotony.


i love this girl's blog (sylvia). if i had her writing style and her thoughts, maybe i would write more often.



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