leon uris, an author whose books i loved reading in college died at 78. i loved trinity, and it's story of the class struggle and religious conflicts in ireland.
i loved the haj as well. i read it at 21, and it opened my eyes to some things about the middle east. i wasn't very political then, just hungry to learn of new cultures. but i would like to re-read it and see if i believe that this book reflects what i think of the middle east and it's politics now.
he definitely told a good story, and kept me interested until the end, although the end was after about 300+ pages.
my friend emily sent me this so that i can see exactly how much i affect my environment. the results are frightening.
jag has a cool project that he's working on. (i am going to be submitting to it very soon!). it's called legs project. although when he asked for a pic of my legs, i got a little worried :)...i opened the link and voila, legs and legs, and shoes, and pants, styles reflected just by the bottom half of the body. the face, the class, the race, etc., is left to the imagination. cool. support the project and submit a pic of your legs.
jag, i can easily tell that your wife is sexy from the pic of her legs and feet on your blog! :)
i loved the haj as well. i read it at 21, and it opened my eyes to some things about the middle east. i wasn't very political then, just hungry to learn of new cultures. but i would like to re-read it and see if i believe that this book reflects what i think of the middle east and it's politics now.
he definitely told a good story, and kept me interested until the end, although the end was after about 300+ pages.
my friend emily sent me this so that i can see exactly how much i affect my environment. the results are frightening.
jag has a cool project that he's working on. (i am going to be submitting to it very soon!). it's called legs project. although when he asked for a pic of my legs, i got a little worried :)...i opened the link and voila, legs and legs, and shoes, and pants, styles reflected just by the bottom half of the body. the face, the class, the race, etc., is left to the imagination. cool. support the project and submit a pic of your legs.
jag, i can easily tell that your wife is sexy from the pic of her legs and feet on your blog! :)