went out with some folks that i haven't seen in 5 or so months. the old writing group, my old friends, kari, sophia and kim. we stopped spending time with each other ever since last year when everyone got too busy with family issues including weddings.

although we did see each other at the weddings,and a night of movie watching, and one or two other things, it just hasn't been the same as way back when, a while ago, when we'd meet once a week to chat and write.

anyway, last night we all went out for sushi and fugi ya. yumm. i love sushi! for years and years, i was the girl that would not touch the stuff, for the thought of anything raw disgusted me. but my goodness, the wonders of wasebe and ginger, killed the disgust...and the sushi itself is wonderful. i was craving this...and i am so glad we went to fugi ya to get it. i asked for a nice table so that we all could talk in comfort, and they gave me a nice secluded table. the waiter was cute, and this was pointed out by one of the girls, of which all are married. and the platters and little sushi plates were gorgeous...now i remember why i wanted sushi plates as presents for my wedding. (didn't get the set though...:()

we did talk alot, the girls and i, but there were definite moments of just enjoying the food after a long day. sophia didn't have to work yesterday, but the rest of us did, and we were exhausted. what did we talk about after so long? my diabetes, kim's new house, kari's dog who is not doing so well now for she has cancer at 6 years of age, and sophia's son...and other things.

all in all a good night. hopefully we'll do it again. it truly is nice to get away from the hubby and family and to spend time with friends. next up is sue, who i have not seen in ages. i should also visit neza, demie and their baby who is probably very big now...i have to see sophia's baby too...the babies are growing up without me seeing them...ugh!


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