a friend of mine is married to a wonderful man from mexico. they have quite a few family and friends in mexico, one of which is a small child:
If you want to help, leave me a note with your email. (the only reason i am posting this is because the couple who sent it to me, are trusted and loved friends).
We're writing this to let you know about a situation with some friends of ours in Mexico. We were distressed to learn that our friends have a crisis with their son, their only child, 3-½ year old, Roque Jr. (Pronounced: row- kay).They noticed little Roque wasn't feeling well, and after a number of medical tests, our friends were told their son has a brain tumor, which has been growing, undetected, for some time. Their child must now undergo two operations in Mexico City to try to remove the tumor. This is obviously risky surgery, but the family has been told that there is an 80% survival rate. Our friends are panicked about what is happening to their little child, afraid to put him through brain surgery, and terrified of losing him.
These operations are expensive, and our friends have very little. They are selling their land, and appealing to friends and family to help with
the financial burden. They have government insurance, but it doesn't cover much. They will still need thousands of dollars in order to do
these procedures. They have to act quickly; one operation is scheduled about a week from now, and a second one in a month.
We and some other friends are spreading the word, notifying everyone we know, hoping to raise some money to help our friends with this terrible situation. We're accepting donations of ANY amount. The dollar is strong in Mexico; they'll get 10 pesos for every dollar. If you could please send something, it would help them a great deal. Don't be embarrassed to send even a very small amount. If we get a lot of
responses, we'll be able to put together a substantial gift.
We hope to send the money as soon as possible because they need it now. We will be in Mexico with our own baby during the last two weeks of March. By then, we'll know more about the status of the little boy, and we can let you know what happens. If youd like to hear back about him, please give us your email address.
roque jr
If you want to help, leave me a note with your email. (the only reason i am posting this is because the couple who sent it to me, are trusted and loved friends).