i can't wait to see this movie! bowling for columbine. ebert mentions that in the movie, there is a standup routine, in which: "Chris Rock, who suggests that our problem could be solved by simply increasing the price of bullets--taxing them like cigarettes. Instead of 17 cents apiece, why not $5,000? "At that price," he speculates, "you'd have a lot fewer innocent bystanders being shot." "
the 'instead of 17 cents' part was said b/c apparently "all of the Columbine bullets were freely sold to the teenage killers by Kmart, at 17 cents a piece"
if they could charge more for the bullets...yes, we probably would have less bullets sold, less guns fired, less people killed.
the 'instead of 17 cents' part was said b/c apparently "all of the Columbine bullets were freely sold to the teenage killers by Kmart, at 17 cents a piece"
if they could charge more for the bullets...yes, we probably would have less bullets sold, less guns fired, less people killed.